Wild Earth Medicine

Natural Sports Medicine
Strengthen your Physiology

Kelly Hutchinson, ND

Athletes need Natural Sports Medicine that Includes:

Whole Body Wellness 

Chronic Disease Management
Condition Specific Diet and Nutritional Prescriptions

Kelly Hutchinson, ND

As a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in Sports Medicine, my goal is to help you be your best at any age and through any obstacles you may come up against. Chronic Disease, Digestive Issues, and Menopause are all examples of what can feel like road blocks to your performance goals. I am here with a Natural and Wholistic approach that will help you work with your body to make it stronger and more adapted to handle set-backs. It takes gathering the right tools to navigate changes. I will analyze  your particular case, give recommendations,  teach you what you need to know and support you with diet, nutrition and counseling. I will work along-side your already established training programs to help provide continuity in your training and be realistic about what will help you improve. 


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Business Hours

  • Monday - Tuesday


  • Wednesday - Thursday

    02:00pm – 06:00pm

    Appointments only

  • Friday


  • Saturday

    01:00pm – 05:00pm

    Appointments only

  • Sunday
