About Dr. Kelly  

When I was 21 years old, I found out my immune system was on overdrive. I had started to become sensitive and allergic to many foods and environmental substances. I was told the only option was to get allergy shots for a few years and they were not guaranteed to work. Along with all the allergy symptoms, I was also feeling depressed, anxious, constant fatigue and dizziness all the time. Instead of taking the conventional route, I went to a Naturopathic Doctor who was able to find the reason my body was over-reacting to everything.

With treatment and time spent learning the power of nutrition, I felt all my symptoms improve and best of all I felt empowered. That was the moment everything shifted for me and it cleared a new path of  possibilities. The biggest thing I want to point out is this shift happened to my whole person. There is no chicken or egg when we get these shifts, we are not just physical beings or mental beings, we are WHOLE beings, we are  constantly changing, evolving and restructuring. Our bodies are incredible and there is wisdom rooted deep inside their biological systems. Our bodies were built to survive and adapt and will seek out homeostasis by straining other systems if one system is out of balance. However, if we know how to support the systems that are out of balance, strained or deteriorating, we can heal.

When we are bogged down by cycles of feeling or being unwell we start to lose our ambition and vitality but I am here to show you it still exists. My job is to help you find the roots and teach you how to pull them out and remove them from your life permanently

I grew up in beautiful New England  and come to you as a healer who has spent 10  years learning as a student and 10 years growing as a clinician. I have worked in both Seattle, WA and Portland, OR and am humbled to now connect with this lovely community in Madison, WI.   I have been an active person my whole life, through all the ups and downs and through all the days where I really did not have the time. I have always seen diet and exercise as a gimmick-free, medication-free, priceless investment in my time and energy. I have been a cycle instructor for 13 years, I have ran, danced, biked and raced competitively (and plan to do more). I am a student of life, I have accepted challenges as opportunities for growth and with that insight, I will guide you through your rough patches and help you not only survive but THRIVE. 
Click here to see Dr. Kelly's Credentials